Sunday, April 09, 2006

It's All Up to Me, in Week Twenty-Three

I started this week like a mad woman. I felt great and took advantage of it. I finished about 110-120% over what I had scheduled to do this week. The weather has finally improved to the point that I did most of my riding outside and didn't have to do any treadmill workouts. I can't explain how happy that makes me!! All that feeling good at the beginning of the week started to takes it toll later in the week. I was pretty wiped out by Thursday night and glad to have a day off on Friday.

It was a good thing that I was able to do so much this week because I had a slight problem arise on Friday that has thrown a wrench into my plans for next week. I swim at the Ames High School pool and sometime in the night between Thursday and Friday, a large chunk of the (asbestos-filled) ceiling fell into the pool. That puts my early morning swim sessions on hold for at least 2 weeks. And the ISU pool isn't open at times that work well with my schedule. So, I've got to be quite a bit more flexible for a while and figure out how to coordinate my work schedule and my workout schedule. Plus, I'd like to get a bit more done this week, so I can have an extra day or two off while I'm in Colorado next weekend.

On Thursday night, we had a tri club meeting at Skunk River Cycles. The lesson for the night was about how to change a flat. It is one of my biggest fears which, so far, I have not yet had to deal with. I practiced a couple of times, and although I still fear it happening in a race, I know I can handle it. And, I got some practice with using CO2.

I've got only two more weeks of this current phase of training. Then things pick up substantially. I'm really happy so far with the program and I'm glad that it has started off relatively slowly. It has taken some time for me to just get used to the frequency and length of the workouts required. I'm really looking forward to stepping things up. I feel good and I feel ready!

Weekly Round-Up (Sunday thru Saturday):
Swim: 6000 yards
Bike: 4 hours, 20 minutes
Run: 23.5 miles

1 comment:

Jeff Klein said...

What happened in week twenty-two?? The suspense is killing me.