Sunday, August 27, 2006

Doing LOTS More, In Week Four

After only making it to the pool once last week (and that was a pretty weak workout itself), I made swimming a priority this week. I swam at the pool 3 times, add that to the tri on Sunday, and this was my biggest swim volume week of the whole year. I also chose to make this a "running focused" week as well. At 34.3 miles, this was my second highest running volume week of the year. After finding time to do all the swimming and running, biking had to take a backseat for the week.

Everyone has been asking how the training is going, how many more weeks are left, if I am healthy, etc. Everyone pretty much gets the same answer: "It's going well, only a couple weeks left, everything feels pretty good, yes I know I'm crazy, yes I am tired all the time, yes I get to eat everything and anything." It's become my mantra. I really don't think people want to hear all the intimate details about how tired my legs are, how I really do go to bed at 9 or earlier, how hard it is for me to get myself to the pool for another 100+ laps of the pool, how I would just like to be able to go out and stay up past 11pm and be around people who talk about things other than triathlon, etc. The truth is that I love training, but thank goodness I can see the light at the end of the tunnel because I don't know that I can keep training like this much longer.

Week 4 Weekly Round-Up (Sunday thru Saturday):
Swim: 7750 yards
Bike: 3 hours, 10 minutes
Run: 34.3 miles
Cross-Training: about 30 minutes of core and strength work.

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