Friday, November 09, 2007

Fall Update

This has been a crazy busy fall. Between work, class, and training, I haven't found much time to blog. Let's see... some updates:

1. I had another birthday. Nothing too noteable about this one. I didn't age up, so there is no real value in getting another year older. Dottie and I threw ourselves our traditional "surprise party" - where the surprise is on the people we invite at the last minute.

2. To celebrate my birthday, I ran the Des Moines Half Marathon. The post-race festivities were great. Team Vardo celebrated with me in the most traditional of ways: beer and cupcakes.

3. I took a quick trip to Chicago to visit Grandma Klein. At 101.5 years old, she's doing GREAT!! She still kicks my butt in crosswords, but now I can finally beat her in a sprint down the hall! She moved into the new building right after I left, but mom and I broke the rules and sneaked in to check it out first.

4. Steve was at SWAT school in California for two weeks, so Tina brought the girls to her mom's in Chicago. We had a blast with them - they are talking, talking, talking! So, funny! Sophie won my love by being the first to say "Aunt Julie." I'm in awe at how smart they are!! Lauren recited the colors of all the M&M's we spilled on the floor, and counted to ten with her mom. The cutest is the squeeling for Elmo, Cookie Monster, and (Sophie's favorite) Big Bird. I also learned another favorite for them is "poop," which they repeated over and over as we walked by the geese in the pond.

They were dressed as a monkey and a leopard for Halloween. A little cruel, but awfully cute!!

5. I went to a women's mountain bike clinic last weekend, and I think I'm hooked! All twelve of us were beginners, and the guys who lead the clinic were very patient and helpful. They even served as spotters while we tackled some of the more challenging (to us) obstacles. Let's just say they are pretty brave because we used their help numerous times! Great. That's one more sport. That means one more bike!

6. I hired a coach. I decided that I would like a little personal help training for this next Ironman. I think I was decently trained for Wisconsin, but I also think I can knock a couple hours off my time. Jenny was actually a BIG help to me training for Wisconsin in 2006, but this time I'm gonna pay her!

7. I am almost done with EMT class. I've been spending time in some Des Moines Hospitals and with the Des Moines Fire Department. I am really enjoying it, but secretly, I can't wait for it to be over. I am really looking forward to having my Monday and Thursday nights back.

8. More pictures of the girls from Mom's trip last week:

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