Saturday, January 07, 2006

It's All Coming Together

Since my New Year's shopping "spree," I've been spending some of my free time reading my new "Total Immersion" book. On Wednesday, I finally had a chance to try out some of the techniques. I hadn't read far enough to learn the drills, but I did get the basic ideas. My first lap across the pool using the TI idea was awesome. It really is WAY more efficient and economical. The basis of TI is using more of your core (or "swimming from your hips"), rather than making your relatively weak arms force yourself through the water. The other TI main point is to become more balanced and stream-lined (fish-like) in the water, cutting drag and becoming more relaxed. Whatever the idea, it works! I just need to practice it a lot more. It's easy to do for about 25 yards, but when I get the least bit tired, I kind of regress to the old, more taxing form.

I made it out for a 5 mile run this week and then joined Team Vardo for 6 miles this morning. My heart rate was WAY out of zone, especially at the top of the Ontario Street hill. That meant a minute or so of walking for me. I felt much better after my HR returned to more appropriate levels. Actually, I don't think that I've ever had my HR so high since I started wearing a heart rate monitor. Regardless, I'd almost forgotten just how much easier it is to run with other people. I can be sure that my run wouldn't have been quite as successful without my friends and Lucky, the black lab who sometimes joins us!

I spent some serious time this weekend and week preparing my schedule for the summer. Roehr and I spent a few near-panic moments on the phone after I had added up the potential mileage for the summer. From first glance, it looks like I'll hit about 130-140 miles of swimming, about 750-775 miles running, and 2600-2700 miles biking! Calm down, Mom! I'll be okay!

I'm gonna have a busy summer of driving, too. I haven't taken the time to add up the additional miles on my truck yet! Looks like I'll be heading to Madison at least 3 times to ride the course, once each in June, July, and August. I'll also be in the Quad Cities for a tri in June, in Chicago for a VERY special birthday party in July, and in Racine, WI for a Half IM the following week(right before RAGBRAI).

Roehr is tackling her first marathon tomorrow morning in Orlando, FL. My email is set up to receive periodic updates for her at various points along the course. She is very well-prepared, and I know she will have a great experience. Now, if I can just talk her into taking a week or so off to recover before she jumps back into training for the IM.

Latest news from Colorado is that Tina is going in tomorrow to be induced. That means I'll be an aunt sometime Monday! The most disappointing part of this busy summer schedule is that I won't have the opportunity to go back to Colorado to see the girls until the fall. But, after this is all done, I'm sure that Roehr and I will be making another trip to Colorado in October for some R&R and hiking. And S&T and the girls will be back in Chicago in July for the birthday party.

I also had my first massage this week. This IM is such a great excuse to get regular massages and chiropractic care. Expensive, but good.


Jeff Klein said...

The biking miles are impressive to me. What is that about 80 miles per week? How much of that is done on an actual bike rather than a trainer? Just curious because I only got 1500 miles last year. I'm jealous.

roehr said...

Nice dig on the time off, buddy...but for sure today and tomorrow are complete down days, then maybe a quick swim Wed and Friday to keep things moving...but that's it--believe it or not, I actually have started listening to my body!!!

More importantly, can I call you Auntie Vardo now????