Sunday, October 23, 2005

It's Hell to be OLD!!

This was not what I would call a good training weekend, but it was a good weekend for getting some things out of my system! I was greeted in my classes by a big batch of black balloons and candy. Both classes sang to me and my boss made cupcakes for them as well. Team Satisfied headed out to dinner and drinks at O'Malley's and to G$'s house for a party. Sunshine got called out to work, so she dropped us off at the Whiskey River for some final evening activities. Saturday my parents came to town and we had the traditional Hickory Park BBQ lunch, complete with the singing wait-staff and ice cream sundaes in honor of Dottie's and my birthdays. I did require a brief nap prior to the main event: the 30th birthday party at Curt and Dottie's house.

It was a very festive time with friends from all over coming to help me celebrate. The highlight of the evening was the "Tippy Cup" battle-of-the-sexes that was held in the garage. The men dominated, led by Royce, but I think the women really held their own. Most of the matches were decided by mere seconds. I guess you could call that an athletic event, but not really very cardiovascular in nature...

I did get a couple of gift certificates for Skunk River Cycles, so tomorrow I will be going in to get my bike trainer! Soon, my living room will be "Cycling Central." I also got another training program (Mark Allen), so I will be putting my program together soon!

1 comment:

vardomom said...

30's not so old! We threw a party for Pat R. tonight when we got home for her 70th birthday. She was pretty bummed and depressed but we tried to cheer her up. So you should be glad you're ONLY 30! Besides, you're just entering the BEST years. You'll see. Thanks for the fun great party Sat. night. Enjoyed chatting with the KAT girls!